Friday, 13 February 2015

Love natural

I've never harboured strong, antagonistic feelings towards Valentine's Day (Okay, maybe I did when I was a teenager.  But teenagers have strong antagonistic feelings towards everything).  I'm not crazy-obsessed about the day either.  In fact I think my borderline-indifferent affections towards Valentine’s Day are pretty healthy. 

A day to express love is a fantastic idea (and probably one of the few good inventions by humanity).  If we could walk in love and peace every day, appreciating each other and making everyone feel really special, people would be happy to be alive.  That's something to be excited about, and clearly something we should all be thrilled to be part of. 

I'm stealing this straight from the pulpit- because it blew my mind, and maybe your mind will be blown too.  So, God is love, and if we are made in the image of God that means that we are made for love. We are made to give love and we are made to receive love.  Why would we deny ourselves the chance to love when it is in our very nature to do that?  So not loving is unnatural, however loving people doesn’t always come naturally. 

It’s a deep thought- but hold onto it, because it all goes downhill from here as I unpack all the gooey reasons we should love Valentine's Day. 

*Disclaimer:  There is no disclaimer this time; I think Valentine's Day is great.  Whether it's over-commercialized or not.  We need to spend more of our days being kind and caring towards each other. 

10. Chocolatey goodness

My earliest memory of Valentine's Day involves chocolate.  Clearly this day is about receiving these delectable brown milk products, and then wolfing them down (very classy).  Good news is no one can judge you because on Valentine's Day you don't need an excuse or reason to eat them. 

9. Flowers

Every girl likes flowers.  No matter what she says (even if she’s allergic).  Nature’s raw perfume is just … aaah.  And if you’re really cheap, they’re great because you can just pick them from a garden. 
8.  Will Shakes

Shout out to the guy who taught me how guys should talk to me (and how guys shouldn't talk to me).  All those lewd lines eclipsed by that beautiful poetry. 

“The brightness of her cheek would shame those stars
As daylight doth a lamp. Her eye in heaven
Would through the airy region stream so bright
That birds would sing and think it were not night.
See how she leans her cheek upon her hand.
Oh, that I were a glove upon that hand
That I might touch that cheek!”- Romeo

Seriously, just cut my heart out right now. 

7.  Saturday!

Normally Valentine’s Day doesn’t fall on a weekend so people hardly celebrate it.  With it being on a Saturday this year, it’s sort of compulsory to do something.  So my friends are ditching me for their significant others, but the good news is (or really sad news) is that there are plenty of people without love.  So tomorrow will be a good day to spread some love to the needy.  Join a charity drive, hang out at an orphanage, add value to the world. 

6.  Rom-coms

Perfect night in.  90s movie marathon.  Blanket (in the heat of Summer).  Popcorn (and buddy cokes).  Settled. (Alternatively, you could actually watch Valentine’s Day.  The movie is actually made for the day.  And it’s got plenty of actors in “leading parts” so you won’t be upset if you don’t like a particular couple- there’s one you’re bound to like).    

5.  You can wear red

I’m pretty sure everyone looks good in red, if they don't then that’s just unfair.  It’s a primary colour and the name of Taylor Swift’s 2012 studio album.  See- no odds against it.    

4. Music

That cheesy music about a mountain not being high enough to keep you away from love, as you browse through the options of lettuce in the supermarket.  You don’t get that in any other time of the year. 

3.  Give-aways

There’s always some media promotion or competition going on.  “Two tickets for all you can eat at this very classy restaurant”.  No one says you have to take a person with you.  You could essentially eat limitless meals for two, ALL BY YOURSELF.  (It’s called commitment). 

2. Intro-spection

Here’s a chance to examine your heart.  Examine your walk.  Are you walking in love?  Or selfishness?  Hard questions, but you have to ask them at some point.  Do it now, February is still the early part of the year.   

1. Love people

You shouldn't need a reason or an explanation.